2012년 12월 6일 목요일

Clean-up campaign to clean the River Selbe carried out

The World Mission Society Church of God, a global religious group, became a model for the Mongolian society by performing the clean-up campaign in central Ulaanbaatar. On February 12, the missionaries and around 500 members of the Church of God in Ulaanbaatar cleaned up the riverside of the River Selbe which flows through the city. “The Second Christ Ahnsahnghong has already come to the earth, but many people do not know this fact. We prepared this event to proclaim that God the Holy Spirit came to this earth again to bring salvation to mankind and to make the nature where we are living clean and beautiful,” said Pastor Kim, Yul San of the Mongolian Association of the Church of God in Ulaanbaatar, who led the activity.

The members of the Church of God and their families and friends partook in this clean-up campaign. Besides, many local celebrities joined and showed keen interest in this day’s activity, including L.Baatartsogt, Chief Secretary of Mayor,Yu.Delgermaa, Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection and managers of relevant departments, Ganbold, Chief of a Nature Conservation Association, D.Sumkhuu, a nature documentary director, B.Batdelger, Production Service Manager of the Sukhbaatar Ward Office and Burentugs managers, D.Enebish, Manager of Administrative Office of the Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism,Bolormaa, Manager of the Department of General Affairs and Otgonbayar, Manager of the Department of Human Resources of “Mon Khorus” Constructions, and many other people from governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and companies.

L.Baatartsogt, Chief Secretary of Mayor,expressed gratitude to the Church saying “Thank you for carrying out the clean-up campaign with a united and enthusiastic mind in this cold weather.”And Yu.Delgermaa, Chief of the Department of Environmental Protection, said, “Today,the World Mission Society Church of God, the Ulaanbaatar City, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Environmental Affairs &Tourism of the City co-hosted the clean-up activity of the River Selbe. The Department of Environmental Protection carried out several clean-up campaigns along with the World Mission Society Church of God. Through the active clean-up activity with warm hearts, more than 500 members of the Church of God proved that we can see good results when we carry out things wholeheartedly.” This was his third participation in the clean-up campaign hosted by the Church of God. He showed an example by participating in the clean-up activity along with the members of the Church with a garbage bag and a big plier in his hands.

The participants moved along the River Selbe in the direction of Zuun ail, Sukhbaatar Ward while collecting domestic wastes, empty bottles, vinyl and other trash. It was challenge to conduct the clean-up activity on the weather of -20 degrees Celsius although they were wearing gloves, mufflers and hats. Most especially, they sometimes had difficulty breaking ice and collecting the trash since there were many wastes frozen in the River. They collected lots of trash as many as more than 700 bags within 2 hours in spite of harsh conditions.

Such a massive clean-up campaign is not frequent in Mongolia where public environmental awareness is low. Moreover, it’s rare to find people performing a clean-up activity at the frozen River in February. In response, the Department of Environmental Protection of the UlaanbaatarCity, the Sukhbaatar Ward Office, “Mon Khorus” Constructions and other agencies and organizations welcomed this clean-up activity of the Church of God and supported gloves, big pliers, pickaxes for breaking the ice, and other cleaning tools including 700 garbage backs.

The World Mission Society Church of God has been conducting the clean-up campaign at various places of the City regularly. In recognition of its contribution to creating clean and pleasant urban environment, the Church has received plaques of gratitude from relevant government agencies. In addition, the Church of God has been carrying out the campaign “I have already come” to proclaim the appearance of the Second Coming Jesus since the 94th anniversary of the sacred birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong of the end of last year. For this, the Church of God has been performing various community services such as environmental clean-up campaigns, blood drives and campaigns to help unfortunate neighbors.
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