2013년 1월 30일 수요일

Until the End of the Earth

Lately, I have found a notable article while I was searching for some materials about magpie.
It was about a magpie couple who flew a long way to find their hatchings.
If we briefly take the content of the article, magpie is well-known as a bird that doesn't really get out from its territory.
It only flies out of its territory, normally within 10km. However, there was a magpie couple that flew out as much as 34km of its territory.
That was none other than for the hatchlings.
Like a bolt from the blue, something happened to the magpie family that was living happily in their nest on top of a pine tree.
In a tree planting ceremony, the people decided to implant the pine tree as a commemoration planting.
The pine tree was moved to another place with the three hatchlings remaining on the nest. The magpie couple flew to that place and reunited.
One of the workers who saw this scene was very surprised and said, “As a matter of fact, I saw two magpies following my truck, but I doubted that they would fly that far to this place.”
Thinking of the magpie couple who would have flown struggling desperately out of the scope of activity, I also thought it was amazing.
That automatically reminded me of one incident...
That is, from the heavens, God came down far away to this lowly earth!

It was a cosmic incident that would have made the whole world restless, but the people who didn't hear or realize, typically have no response.

This year, I will preach this news to many people, which is a wide-eyed surprising news when they realize.
Until the day, when all of the members of the heavenly family reunite, embracing in the arms of Father and Mother...

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