One hot summer day, a little boy was playing on the backyard.
The more the child tried to hide from it, the bee flew over him more.
His fear went to extreme, so he went to his mother’s arms and cried.
Seeing her child with fear, the mother quickly covered his body with her skirt, and covered his face with her hands.
Then the bee stung the mother’s arm instead of the child’s, and the poisonous sting was stuck in her arm, so deep enough that it couldn’t be removed.
Afterwards, the bee couldn’t fly further away and was crawling on the mother’s arm.
Bearing the pain, the mother said,
“My dear, don’t fear and come out. I have placed myself instead of you. Since the bee hurt me, it can’t hurt you no more.”
Source from: ‘Resting Place Volume 2’ PSC

This is a good example of Heavenly mother's love. Her devotional and infinte love comforts us and makes us feel relieved.